Carrier Ethernet Group

The Technology, Strategy, and Business of Modern Packet Networking

9,700+ members, 2,236+ companies, 123+ nations.

Carrier Ethernet GHangout Profile

The Carrier Ethernet Group on LinkedIn is an independent collection of over 9,003 industry professionals from over 123 countries, whose goal is to advance their collective understanding of the technology, strategy, and business aspects of architecting and designing modern packet-networking services for both wireline and wireless networks, such as Carrier Ethernet, and emerging technologies, such as SDN, NFV, and the cloud, and to advance the telecom and networking industry as a whole. This, while allowing the Group’s members to grow in their knowledge and application of the technologies thus becoming better practitioners, and to contribute to the growth of their fellow Group members and the Carrier Ethernet industry.

The Group’s membership represents all aspects of the Carrier Ethernet eco-system and all-levels of involvement - executive management, engineering management, senior network architects, senior operations engineers, senior hardware and software engineers, field engineering, testing, product management, product marketing, sales engineering, network design consultants, field staff, industry analysts, media experts, researchers, faculty, and students from around the world.

The professionals come from all 6 inhabited continents and 2,236+ companies worldwide that represent hardware/chip vendors, carriers, operators, MSOs, CLECs, rural operators, regional operators, international providers, system vendors (large and small), startups, software providers, testing houses, integrators, OSS/BSS providers, testing labs., and testing gear providers. Plus, major analyst groups, university groups, and media groups.

The vibrant activity in the Group and its contribution to advancing an understanding of cutting-edge packet networking for its members and the larger industry has been recognized industry-wide, with the Group being invited to partner with leading industry organizations, such as the Telecom Council of Silicon Valley and the Metro Ethernet Forum, among others.

This is the only LinkedIn Group to have a broadcast of its own called “CE Live! ™- All the CE Without the BS! ™”, where technical and strategic industry issues are discussed.

The Group is moderated and managed by Dr. Vishal Sharma, Principal, Metanoia, Inc., a recognized networking & telecom expert who is called upon by clients across the telecom ecosystem for his deep technology strategy guidance.