Provider Network Helath Assesment Service

The Provider Network Health Assessment Service is a unique service of Metanoia, Inc. for providers (wireline operators, MSO/cable operators, wireless operators, OTT operators, and data center & exchange point operators). The service is designed to lower total operating costs (TCO) and/or increase profitability by enabling degradation-free, robust network operation.

This video explains the rationale behind the service, how it works, and the benefits it produces. We also present the use case of an emerging operator (where we have permission to share some details of the work done for them) who utilized our service for strategic and technical planning, and present feedback from their executive management on the benefits they derived.

Part 1 - Provider Network Health Assessment Service

Provider Network Health Assessment Industry Initiative

The Provider Network Health Assessment Industry Initiative is a brand-new initiative focused on bringing the thinking of the telco ecosystem together on issues of contemporary importance for service providers.

Through a unique combination of on-line and off-line panels, discussions, exchanges and the like, as well as discourse in a number of industry forums (including Metanoia, Inc.'s Network Health Assessment Forum/blog), we facilitate a dialog between service providers and the eco-system players (hardware and system vendors, software providers, OSS/BSS vendors, and so on) in a neutral setting that allows for the eco-system to learn about operator issues (and work to collectively and individually address them), while allowing for the operators to learn about new solutions, best-practices, and software that can help streamline their operations and business.
Part 2 - Network Health Assessment Industry Initiative

This initiative focuses on the intersection of business and technology issues, because we believe the interplay of the two is critical in today's environment. Metanoia, Inc., with a decade plus of experience with players all across the telecom food chain, and with the industry-wide respect garnered by it's Principals and partners, is uniquely positioned to lead this initiative. This video explains the rationale behind the initiative, the benefits to all of the eco-system players, and showcases the progress made since Summer 2011.