Product Engineering Portal

Connecting Customers to World-Class Product Engineering Services Companies


The Rationale Behind a Product Engineering Services Portal

Are you an engineering leader at a telecom or networking vendor or service provider who is in need of a quality product engineering services provider that will be an eco-system partner, have highly-experienced staff (of the order of 10+ years of experience), and who has sufficient confidence in their abilities to be willing to share risk and be compensated based on that?

Or, are you a Product Engineering Services provider, who realizes the value that the right PES partner can bring to a client, has specialized teams with substantial experience, and is willing to take ownership of projects and work in partnership with a client?

Then you’ve come to the right place!

As we know, the market for the delivery of product engineering services (PES) in telecom and networking has been evolving rapidly in the past few years. In fact, organizations, both vendors and service providers/operators, are discovering that the first-generation model of deploying external PES simply for reducing cost and increasing efficiency is no longer enough.


The Need at Vendors and Service Providers

Industry players, both vendors (of chips/ASICs, systems, software and tools), and operators, are increasingly moving to a second-generation model. This is one where they seek specialized expertise in the PES partner around specific domains (for instance, SDN/NFV, cloud, data centers, modern system design, software practices and standards, open-source development). Additionally, they seek eco-system partners who are domain specialists, have the wherewithal to take ownership of projects, can assume responsibility for their successful execution, and are willing to share the accompanying risk. Such a model enables companies to have greater control over their operations, change business models more ninbly, gain technological and economic flexibility, and bring new products or services to market quickly.


The Solution: Specialized, Deep-Experience Product Engineering Providers

By the same token, a new class of smaller PES firms is emerging who are bringing specific skills to the table, have teams with substantially more experience (say, 10-12+ years on average), and the ability to work autonomously, while still integrating tightly into the customer’s delivery chains. This allows the engineering provider to build and retain a stronger talent pool, enables them to work on challenging problems, develop a sense of ownership of products and projects, all of which enable them to become true service partners of their clients.


What We Provide

This exchange will enable client companies to find the right PES partner for their needs. Alternatively, it will enable PES companies to find the ideal client for their services. The team at  Metanoia, Inc. are experts are understanding and distilling the needs of the consumers, and the unique capabilities of the providers, and therefore ideally positioned to connect the right consumers and providers together to effect the best possible partnerhsips.


Reach Out to Us

To get started, please write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and let us know whether you are a provider of PES or a consumer of PES. If a provider, please tell us a little bit about yourself and how we can reach you to have a conversatino to better understand your expertise and services.

If a consumer, please tell us a bit about yourself and your requirements, and they type(s) of product engineering help you are seeking, and how we can reach you to have a discussion about your needs.

We will then provide a consumer with an appropriate set of providers, thus saving them time, energy, and capital spent on fruitlessly finding the right provider. At the same time, we deliver value to the providers by connecting them with the most appropriate consumers in need of their skills and experience.